Weddings in the metaverse and web 3.0 weddings?

Weddings in the metaverse and weddings on web 3.0 - just how HIGH TECH can weddings get?

We thought things were getting pretty amazing with zoom weddings taking over during this age of Covid. But one couple took it 5,678 steps further ahead. They married in the the metaverse. What a concept! Metaverse guests designed their avatars, and attended the event while the IRL event took place with real-life guests at the same time. The couple managed to blend both the IRL and metaverse versions of the wedding seamlessly, by having a live feed version of the event showing in the metaverse, whilst their avatars mimicked them. A wedding backdrop was designed to mimic the IRL version of events and they did a blend of meta-verse and IRL scenario for the ceremony and reception.

Wedding in the metaverse and on web 3.0

IS IT LEGAL TO GET MARRIED IN A metaverse wedding?

Legalities in Australia mean that a couple still need to be face-to-face with the Celebrant and witnesses the legally marry, but there’s nothing that says the wedding can’t go full metaverse at the same time. We can see how weddings in the metaverse have some great applications. You can save your guess a ton of money by not having to travel to be present with you on your day, and you could design a wedding backdrop that may be out of reach both via distance and funds IRL. Also, this online event could most certainly put a stop to the possibility of your wedding being a super-spreader event.

Will metaverse weddings become a thang?

So what do you think? Do you think weddings or elopements in the metaverse will become a thing? A few years from now will there be metaverse celebrants? Metaverse wedding photographers? Metaverse wedding stylists? Our heads are SPINNING!

Listen to the podcast below for this couples experience of being married in the metaverse -

wedding in the metaverse elopement australia

Wedding NFT’s? Wedding accessory NFT’s? Wedding dress NFT’s?

Lawd we don’t know where the blend of NFT’s and wedding items will begin or end! A couple claims to have been married on the blockchain, exchanging wedding rings in the form of NFT’s -

As they both work for Coinbase they felt that exchanging NFT rings was a beautiful way for all in the metaverse and Web 3.0 to see. They named their rings ‘Taabat’ the hebrew word for ring, and they whipped out their iPhones and exchanged the tokens during just the right time during the ceremony.

NFT’s don’t have censorship or an expiration date, so we kinda like that the application for wedding NFT’s are ENDLESS!

The applications for weddings in the metaverse and on web 3.0 are just unfolding, will you jump on the virtual bandwagon?