Tables are so 2002!

Written by Klara McMurray, Amazing Celebrant & Cool Cat in Melbourne.

Signing tables… sure, they can be cool…
Wine barrels, rustic slabs, card tables covered in lace (as I used to supply upon demand…)
But have you thought about having something different?

If you’re planning an elopement-style ceremony, this is your perfect opportunity to get creative with how/where you sign the paperwork.

After a discussion with fellow celebrants at I Do Drive Thru, what started as a friendly chat, suddenly turned into a photo-posting exercise of one-up-man-ship.
It. Was. Awesome!!!
So as a result, I decided to compile 8 of the best (with everyone’s permission) and give you a bit of entertainment as well as food for thought along the way.

Happy brainstorming!!!

Elopement Package Melbourne

1. A Bicycle Basket

Sarah and Chris were more than happy to use the back of my groovy bike in a quick ceremony in my local park.
It became an Instagram sensation… so we did something right!

Celebrant - Me
Photographer - Guest

Not a registry office wedding

2. A tree

Use whatever’s around you, just like The Bearded Celebrant did… certainly makes for a great photo!

Celebrant - Samual Miller
Photographer - Michael Briggs

Elopement Package Melbourne

3. A Rock

Jens and Katharina chose to elope in Kakadu National Park, surrounded by the raw beauty of Australian nature with their marriage witnessed only by two Park rangers.
It made perfect sense to find a big rock at the bast of the waterfall to use for signing, it’s called working in with the surroundings!

Celebrant - Lauren Evans
Photographer - Sharon Mac Photographics

Victorian Registry Office

4. The Spa

After ‘Marry Me Sean’ announced they would be signing on the spa, he chased it by saying “You stay classy Mornington!”
’Nuff said, comedy gold!!!

Celebrant & Photographer - Sean M Whelan

Melbourne Elopement Package

5. The Boot

When it rains on the big day the boot of the car can become your signing table.
Just don't expect an ugly feather pen from Uber Celebrant Ben Ager.
I am pleased to see he’s prepared with a first aid kit though….. Safety first eh!

Celebrant - Ben Ager
Photographer - Laura from Elysium Photography

Celebrant Melbourne.jpg

6. The Esky

Mahli & Jordan were wed upon a hilltop with a few close mates and relatives and Loki the Boarder Collie making sure everything ran to plan.
We signed utop the esky with the wedding cake within.
One of my favourite wedding moments ever!

Celebrant - Me
Photographer - Random guest

Elopement Package Melbourne

7. Someone’s Back

While some celebrants offer a signing table as an inclusion for their service, Russ prefers a more personal approach, as seen here with Tim and Jessie at their Glasshaus wedding.
For no extra charge Russ can double as your signing table…
Now that’s good value!

Celebrant - Russ Macumber
Photographer - Caroline Sada

Beach Elopement Melbourne

7. Random Witnesses on the Beach in their Togs

Vanessa and Mick eloped and they arranged with Cara, their celebrant to head down to Tallow Beach, thinking they’d try their luck at finding a lone surfer to witness, along with Ann-Louise the photographer. 

Finding a witness was no problem, as there were great surf conditions and they struggled to get a car park. 
The couple said their personal vows privately, then Cara approached a bunch of lovely backpackers from Paraguay and asked them to witness the legal bits. 
The women were stoked to be a part of a wedding on their holiday and Cara was thrilled by her first bikini clad witnesses. 
Wedding nirvana!

Celebrant - Cara Flack
Photographer - Ann-Louise from possumcreekstudios